How to Align Your Team through Change
Eight Principles for Purposeful Alignment Effective teamwork requires individual members of the team to be connected by, and aligned to a common purpose, values and sense of identity. Sometimes individuals can drift away from the team as a result of the mental limitations they create about their work and role. The following eight principles can be considered as a guide to the type of thinking and action that will serve you well in your interactions with your colleagues: 1. Success starts with clarity of purpose 2. Alignment transforms energy into effectiveness 3. Respect is the beginning of understanding 4. Curiosity is the beginning of all difference 5. Flexibility is the beginning of freedom 6. Education is the key to releasing potential 7. None of us is as smart as all of us 8. Be thorough and unrelenting with issues Quadrant 1 International help individuals excel at their work and with their personal ambitions. We are business people with many years experience in senior management and entrepreneurial positions. We have trained, coached and developed hundreds of managers and directors to greater success. We are authors of several international best selling books on personal development, and often present at major events around the world. Sign-up for our free newsletters at http://www.quadrant1.com
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