4 Tips for Keeping a Team Motivated
Companies often have incentives for reps, but sometimes that isn't enough. To keep your team motivated, you could do a number of things: 1. Hold your own personal incentive for your team This could be something as simple as a gift certificate for the one who sells the most in a month. 2. Set up a message board just for your personal team A great way to keep in contact with everyone. Many wahm boards already have a section for your company, so if you don't have the time to set up your own you could use a specific board for your team. 3. Send out a monthly newsletter to your team Keep it personal and let them know how you are doing ... motivate them by explaining some of the ways you have advanced during the month. 4. Contact your downline on a monthly basis Personally contact everyone and see how they are doing. This is a good idea even if some in your team are making sales without your help. Just check in and see if anyone has questions or problems - they may be afraid to ask for help. These are just a few things that you can do to keep your team motivated. Be creative and personal, this is always the best way to go! About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. Learn how you can be successful in your company by visiting: http://www.directsaleshelpers.com
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